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Garlic Treats Hypertension

Updated on August 10, 2013

Garlic is one of the most researched herbal medicine

Garlic lowers hypertension


Forty percent of the patients of F.G. Piotrousky at Vienna University were treated of hypertension by taking garlic (Mindell, E. Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible. 1991:139).

Garlic in capsule is the best way to take it as supplement, 300 milligrams daily (Ulene, A. MD. Dr. Art Ulene’s Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs.2000:274). It alleviates hypertension by countering the toxic substances in the intestines, or by dilating arteries.

Garlic lowers cholesterol.(Mindell:125). One-half to one clove per day was found to lower cholesterol level by 9% on the average (Ulene, A., MD:275). One consequence of low cholesterol level is low blood pressure. That is why garlic also protects against heart disease and stroke.

Ajoene, a compound found in garlic dissolves blood clots (Ulene, A., MD). Blood clot can cause stroke. Blood that oozes from the injury in the inside wall of artery turns into a clot (called thrombus) that can narrow or substantially block an artery. The artery is narrowed such that blood flow is lessened that may result in ischemic stroke. Or a clot (called embolus) may form in heart arteries, carotid arteries and move and partially block an artery. This also results in ischemic stroke.

Why is garlic pungent?

Alliin, a trivial name, was given to the precursor of the compound that gives the pungent aroma of garlic. This precursor is chemically named (+) –S-allyl-L-cysteine sulfide. It is stable and odorless in the intact garlic clove. When you crush or slice the clove you bring this odorless precursor into contact with the enzyme alliinase which is also found in the clove. The more you make alliin meet with alliinase the more potent therapeutic elements are released.

Alliinase breaks down the odor precursor into ammonia, pyruvic acid, and diallyl thiosulfinate which is also given the trivial name allicin. Diallyl thiosulfinate is not unpleasant but garliclike; however, it is not pungent. It contains the pungent element that is released by the enzyme alliinase.

Diallyl disulfide from allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate) gives garlic its pungent odor (Paul., P.C. and H.H. Palmer, editors. "Fruits and Vegetables." Food Theory and Applications.1972: 292-296). It is therapeutically potent.

Garlic contains 61% to 74% diallyl disulfide while leeks, chives and onions have only 1 % of it. Garlic contains cysteine sulfides much more than onions. Our body converts cysteine to cystine and back; both contain sulfur.

My case

I have a chronic hypertension owing to narrowed arteries of the heart. At rest and when I am not angry or said my blood pressure is normal (120/80). However, when I am provoked to anger or sadness or fatigue my blood pressure shoot up above the threshold of the normal (130/79).

I am prescribed to take 50mg of Losartan (Kenzar) per day. Still when the provocation is overly strong, my blood pressure shoots up. I cannot take additional dose of Kenzar. Instead, I munch a clove or two of garlic. The relief comes very fast, about 10 minutes. I calm down in 30 minutes.


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